© Theresa Wey

Sat 5.10.2024 - 19:30
Helmut List Halle
Bernd Richard Deutsch, George Lewis, Nicole Lizée, Lisa Streich

The ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra (ORF RSO Wien) under Roland Kluttig presents stylistically diverse statements on the theme of freedom. With her piece Jubelhemd, Lisa Streich responds to a commission for the 250th anniversary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. She takes forced jubilation itself as her theme, inspired by Jubelhemd (Jubilee shirt) by Austrian artist Markus Schinwald, a shirt with its sleeves sewn on backward, forcing the wearer into a jubilant gesture.

In Phantasma, Austrian composer Bernd Richard Deutsch refers to Gustav Klimt's Beethoven Frieze in the Secession Building in Vienna—a symbol of artistic freedom. Canadian Nicole Lizée draws inspiration for artistic freedom from faulty AI products. A new work by American George Lewis speculates on “what the freedom of a Creolized decoloniality might sound like and how we humans might live with these new freedoms."

Conductor: Roland Kluttig


The composition by Nicole Lizée was commissioned by ORF musikprotokoll. With the support of VGR—Verwertungsgesellschaft Rundfunk. The composition by George Lewis was commissioned by Music Biennale Zagreb and Radio Österreich 1 in cooperation with ORF musikprotokoll.