Press section

Welcome to the press section !

We are glad that you want to visit us!
You can use this form to send us a request for accreditation for our musikprotokoll 2024 events.

   This form is only for press, musikprotokoll artists and VIP guests.
   Please only apply for accreditation for events that you are able to attend.


The press conference for musikprotokoll 2024 will take place on 1 October 2024, 10:00am at the ORF Landesstudio Steiermark in Graz.

For further information please contact Mrs Daniela Reischl:

Here you will find press photos  for musikprotokoll 2024.

get to photo-cloud

Here you can find the online version of our program book musikprotokoll 2024.
The program book will also be available in printed form at our festival events. 

download program book