musikprotokoll @ ARTikulationen 2024
© ORF musikprotokoll
musikprotokoll @ ARTikulationen ʼ24

Thu 3. & 4.10.2024
Theater im Palais
Annesley Black, Engin Dağlık, Anna la Berge, Jessica Kaiser, Elisabeth van Treeck

ARTikulationen is the annual international festival for artistic research at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, which presents, reflects, and illuminates the latest artistic and scientific research over four days.

In the panel Leeways and Strictures in Artistic Experimentation, part of the musikprotokoll@ARTikulationen series, artists and scholars explore the question of artistic limitations, paths to knowledge, and unconventional scopes for experimentation in the context of artistic research. 

Music and theater scholar Elisabeth van Treeck also presents her book … da das Wirkliche konstant in Schwebe bleibt ...—the first comprehensive study of Olga Neuwirth. In 2003, Neuwirth’s musical theater piece Lost Highway celebrated its premiere at steirischer herbst. Van Treeck uses it to analyze Neuwirth’s artistic processes. At the book presentation, she introduces the dramaturgy of suspense, gives insights into her work with archival material, and invites the audience to participate in a discussion.


Part of the Artistic Research Festival ARTikulationen at KUG – University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (2.10.-5.10.). A cooperation between ORF musikprotokoll and the KUG Doctoral School for Artistic Research
In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe. Supported by the European Union’s “Creative Europe” Program.