Thu 3.10.2024, 18:00
game over consists of a series of explorative musical computer game environments that can be presented either live on stage or as interactive installations. In this performance, two clarinetists use wireless motion sensors on their instruments to steer avatars through complex 2D game worlds. While freely exploring the environment, they interact with numerous objects and use the game mechanics to create unconventional musical structures.
The game worlds are collages of well-known 2D genres and designed as scores that can be reread again and again. The composer occasionally intervenes by creating events or recoding the game in real-time. There are no predefined rules; instead, the players are “thrown” into the game world and have to define their own goals. The project explores the artistic potential of computer games, especially spontaneous decision-making and creative rebellion against a system of arbitrary rules.
Concept: Christof Ressi
Instrumentalists: Szilard Benes, Susanna Gartmayer
Produced by esc medien kunst labor in cooperation with ORF musikprotokoll.