Dynamic Streaming
A special introduction to the project musikprotokoll dynamic streaming for members of the EBU.
In 2021, the musikprotokoll offered dynamic streaming of its concerts after the festival. Here, listeners’ head movements are tracked in real time, altering the spatial reproduction of what is heard – the result is an astonishingly realistic acoustic experience. A video track recorded with multiple cameras will supplement the acoustic event.
What is dynamic streaming?
A one minute introduction of what dynamic streaming is.
Track 1
The 5.1 ORF recording is encoded
as a "normal" stereo track.
Track 2:
The 5.1 ORF recording is now encoded as binaural audio.
The webcam tracks the users head who looks
straight in the webcam.
Track 3:
Now the user moves the head
contantly from left to right.
Let´s compare 3 variations of the same ORF recording. Please use high quality headphones for listening.
ORF recording: musikprotokoll 2021, "oh city" by Xu Weiwei, performed by ensemble zeitfluss, 9.10.2021, MUMUTH (Graz/Austria) - All files have been (format) converted from .wav (48kHz, 24bit) to .opus to .wav (48kHz, 24bit).

Let´s get started.
To explore this project you need:
- Computer or laptop with internet access (no smartphone or tablet).
- Webcam for head tracking (you can also watch/listen to the concerts without a camera).
- High-quality headphones if possible
- Use an up-to-date internet browser: Firefox, Edge, Chrome or Opera
tingles & clicks
We like to present an other musikprotokoll project to you. Here the head movements in each direction get tracked to explore a sound environment.
Wear a facemask, keep a safe distance, reduce social contacts, etc. Social-distancing instructions have accompanied us in this global health crisis from the very beginning. Interpersonal relations have been curtailed to protect the individual. tingles & clicks strives to explore and resurrect this lost physicality in commissioned works for which outstanding musicians create quasi-tactile, auditory one-person experiences.
More info: tingles & clicks

tingles & clicks.
So, lets leave the idea of documentation and explore our project tingles & clicks which also works with webcam:
- Computer or laptop with internet access (no smartphone or tablet).
- Webcam for head tracking (you can also watch/listen to the concerts without a camera).
- High-quality headphones if possible
- Use an up-to-date internet browser: Firefox, Edge, Chrome or Opera
A project of of ORF musikprotokoll
Audio & Video recordings
ORF musikprotokoll
Dynamic Streaming Audio Player
Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM)
Dynamic Streaming Project Cooperation
Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM)
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG)
Developped with the support of the EBU Media Innovation Fund
© ORF musikprotokoll, 2021