With ORF musikprotokoll commissioned compositions from Natasha Barrett, Andrea Sodomka, Marco Donnarumma, Svetlana Maraš, kӣr, Ulf Langheinrich and Cam Deas. The composition by Svetlana Maraš was commissioned by depart.one.
Concept, production: Fränk Zimmer
IEM - coordination: Robert Höldrich
IEM - technical development: Matthias Frank, Lukas Gölles and Franz Zotter.
A project of ORF musikprotokoll. In cooperation with IEM - Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM), SHAPE - Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe.
Supported by the program "Creative Europe" of the European Union. Svetlana Maraš, kӣr and Cam Deas are SHAPE Artist 2020.