konfrontationen 6
© ORF musikprotokoll
konfrontationen 6

08/10/2016 - 17:00
Dom im Berg
Musikgymnasium Graz, Stiftsgymnasium Admont, Ortweinschule, BRG Körösi u.a.

The Next Generation!

People suffering from arithmomania, the compulsion to count, had better steer clear of this musikprotokoll event: Artists and school students from Graz have joined forces to create works dealing with “musical numbers” which will be presented one afternoon. Two years ago “konfrontationen”, a culture education project in which creative folks from various disciplines linked up with young people to realise artistic concepts, was presented at musikprotokoll for the first time. Apart from the tremendously energetic atmosphere, the number of unusual ideas ensuing from this creative constellation was particularly remarkable. Will it be as inspiring again? You can count on it.