Homage à Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five by dieb13

“My grandparents are called Dada, Fluxus, Punk, and Hip-Hop. Without Grandmaster Flash, DJing in its present form wouldn’t exist, and without DJing, experimental turntablism in its present form wouldn’t exist. Although I have to admit that I haven’t explored the roots of Hip-Hop systematically, Grandmaster Flash has definitely influenced my music. The starting point of my homage was a few lines from ‘It’s a Shame’ from the album ‘The Message’ from 1982.” (dieb13)
Flash by dieb13
–There is no peace!
–Who wants to know?
–We do!
–Cause men love money!

The stage name dieb13 stands for Dieter Kovačič (born in 1973), who works as a musician, composer, filmmaker, programmer of open source music software, internet service provider, and organiser. He has been active in electronic, noise, and improvised music since the mid-1990s and has played more than 500 shows on four continents. He has released music on more than 30 labels as a soloist as well as a member of various orchestras, big and small ensembles, bands and duos. dieb13 runs the internet platform klingt.org, which focuses on abstract/experimental music.