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© ORF Radio Österreich 1
Ö1 Klassik-Treffpunkt

Sat 5.10.2024 - 10:05
esc medien kunst labor
Elke Tschaikner, Elisabeth Schimana, Viktoriia Vitrenko, Wendelin Pressl, Christof Ressi

A special highlight is Ö1 Klassik-Treffpunkt, which is broadcast live in front of an audience. Elke Tschaikner's guests include several festival artists, such as the Ukrainian singer and conductor Viktoriia Vitrenko, the composer Christof Ressi, the visual artist Wendelin Pressl, and the composer and performer Elisabeth Schimana, who is continuing her long-term project Virus at ORF musikprotokoll. Ö1 Klassik-Treffpunkt offers the opportunity to look behind the scenes of the festival and gain personal insights into the musicians’ lives and work.


The complete program with all thirty broadcasts on Radio Österreich 1 can be found from September 2024 at musikprotokoll.ORF.at.