Abdullah Miniawy
© Camilla Rehnstr
Abdullah Miniawy

03.10.2024 - 19:30
Dom im Berg
Abdullah Miniawy

With his first solo album "Nigma Enigma", which will be released this fall on Hundebiss Records, poet and musician Abdullah Miniawy invites his audience to take a walk through the world that we - according to the belief of all world religions - will enter after our death. We experience this fictional afterworld from the perspective of an atheist ex-Muslim, who explains to God during the Last Judgement why he has decided to turn his back on him. Religious dogmas imprison people, says Miniawy, who are actually free to grow at their core. 

With "Nigma Enigma", Miniawy opens up a mental space in which the audience can spin their own associations to create new ideas. Song fragments are improvised on during the live concert. In doing so, the artist dives into the dark areas of his innermost being in search of the meaning of his life. "And the light shines out of these dark spaces," says Abdullah Miniawy. "That's impressive! Sometimes I feel so much pain during a performance, while the audience is full of joy. That's beautiful!"


Abdullah Miniawy is SHAPE+ artist 2024. In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe. Supported by the European Union’s “Creative Europe” Program.