Europe's Eighth Student 3D Audio Production Competition
3D Audio Production Competition 2024 - Open Call

We are pleased to announce the Open Call for the 8. European 3D Audio Production Contest for students to announce. The deadline for submissions is 30. June 2024.

Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) calls for students' works to be submitted to Europe's Eighth 3D Audio Production Competition that is going to be hosted at IEM in Graz, with vdt, ORF musikprotokoll, and Sounding Future as partners. The call is issued for the three production/composition categories:

  1. contemporary / computer music
  2. audio drama / documentary / soundscapes
  3. music recording / studio production.

The required format to deliver is a 5th order Ambisonic track as a multi-channel file in .WAV or .CAF that complies with the AmbiX format (SN3D, full 3D, ACN channel ordering). Below you find a Reaper template project, which already has all the necessary settings and routings to create content for the competition.

  • Note that while the submission length is still max. 4min for categories (2) and (3), in the contemporary category (1) submission lengths of up to 11min will be accepted that fit common contemporary composition formats.
  • Please also note that it is important for us to be given a CC-by license by you to enable the competition, its awards, and the virtual appearance of the nominated finalists on We are working on the opportunities to present these finalist works before the awards ceremony at ORF musikprotokoll  for category (1)  in the Austrian contemporary/classic radio program (ORF OE1) around the finals.

The submission deadline will be June 30th, 2024.

Good luck!
