
Following my research and an “official trip” to the musikprotokoll’s merry-go-round in Graz, I composed a piece that explores phenomena such as taking-off, acceleration in stasis, ultra-large & infinitely small, and individual & collective. In the latter case it seems especially fitting that I played all the instruments (violin, viola, violoncello and double bass) on this track – me, myself, and I, so to speak. (My thanks goes to the music school LMS Ottensheim, the Ustupstys and Angelika Scheiblhofer for the instruments!)
Visitors who do not ride the carousel can move about on the platform and in this way choose which combination of instruments should lift them heavenwards. Riding the carousel, however, one seems to experience endless acceleration as one spirals into the sky – until the take-off ramp gradually and imperceptibly disappears and one is flying freely without handles to hold onto, accompanied by a string ensemble. After this cathartic spin, which might even catapult the riders into unimaginable celestial levels of consciousness, there’s only one thing left to say: Welcome to the new reality!
Irene Kepl

Violinist and composer Irene Kepl studied classical violin and jazz in Linz. Her work focuses primarily on contemporary classical music, free improvisation, composition, jazz and groove-based musics. She has performed at many prestigious festivals including Klangspuren Schwaz, Festival 4020, Festival Unlimited, 12 Points Festival/SWE, Donaufest Ulm, Dancekiosk Hamburg, and Jazz Festival Petrovac/MNE.