Austrian artists pay tribute to New York music
With affectionate homages in an ingenious acoustic exhibition at the Stadtwerke-Haus (Holding Graz), Akademie Graz and designforum Steiermark, Austrian composers dedicate themselves to the city of New York and its famous figures.
musikprotokoll goes New York. In collaboration with the Austrian Cultural Forum New York (ACFNY), the project has led to fifteen homages by Austrian musicians to artists inseparably linked with New York City. Olga Neuwirth, for example, devotes her homage to lyrical rock musician Patti Smith, Andrea Sodomka pays tribute to experimental artist Yoko Ono, Patrick Pulsinger honours minimal music star Philip Glass, and Christian Fennesz conjures up the accomplishments of 80s’ icon Cyndi Lauper.
When Peter Herbert makes musical reference to Charles Mingus and, in the same context, Peter Ablinger to Morton Feldman, the focus musically is on historical modernism and how it is handled. The historical modernism of the city of Graz is woven into these transatlantic tributes: musikprotokoll is presenting these homages in the Stadtwerke-Haus of all places – a house built by Rambald von Steinbüchel-Rheinwall in 1931, the only building in the centre of Graz that was ever built in the modernist style of that time. Its sensational staircase and its architectural neighbours – Akademie Graz and designforum Steiermark – are the venues for the homages to New York in Graz, that visitors will be able to experience through headphones in an ingenious acoustic exhibition.
Homages in NYC
In April 2017, the Austrian Cultural Forum New York ACFNY will be "played" for a few days with a sound exhibition. However, this sound exhibition will only be audible to people who equip themselves with a headphone/player set developed for this purpose. For everyone else, the environment will remain acoustically completely unchanged. The basic musical idea of the project are compositional, sounding "homages" to formative artists of 20th century music who are biographically connected to the city of New York, from Charles Mingus to Philip Glass to Yoko Ono and Laurie Anderson. The tributes - in the sense of transformation and the survival of artistic ideas - come from today's Austrian composers and musicians.
20.-24.4.2017, Austrian Cultural Forum New York
Homages in Graz
The historical modernism of the city of Graz will be the subject of September/October 2017, when musikprotokoll presents these homages in, of all places, the Stadtwerke-Haus in Graz, the only building in the city center of Graz that was ever built in the style of modernism of the time. The phenomenal stairwell of the Stadtwerke-Haus and also its architectural neighbors Akademie Graz and Designforum Graz are the venues for the homages/hommages from Graz to New York in the form of a three-week sound exhibition.
23.09.-08.10.2017, Stadtwerke-Haus, Akademie Graz, Designforum Graz
Homages in Wien
An exhibition as a homage to architecture and as the opening of a hundred-part Ö1 broadcast series: "On the gradual production of thoughts while talking" is the title of a legendary essay by Heinrich von Kleist, which we translate here into the practicality of cultural observation: On the gradual expansion of architectural perception while walking.
In Vienna's Funkhaus, the audio exhibition "Homages" invites you to take a stroll: Fifteen Austrian composers - from Olga Neuwirth and Christian Fennesz to Peter Herbert and Mira Lou Kovacs - contribute homage miniatures. Equipped with a receiver and headphones, a walk through some of the passages of the ORF Funkhaus opens up new perspectives on its architecture. The opening of this sound exhibition "Homages" on May 15, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. also marks the beginning of an Ö1 broadcast series on the occasion of the centennial of the Republic of Austria: "One Hundred Houses - The Republic of Austria in the Mirror of its Architecture." Based on selected buildings, the story of "100 Years of the Republic of Austria" will be told in one hundred short broadcasts.
Opening: Di 15.5.2018
Exhibition: Do 17.5. & Fr 18.5. | Do 24.05. & Fr 25.5. | Do 7.6. & Fr 8.6. | Do 14.6. & Fr 5.6.2018 - 16:00-19:00, ORF Funnkhaus Wien, RadioKulturhaus
Homages in Linz
Since no one can doubt that music created in the various musical scenes of the city of New York in the course of the 20th century has had and continues to have a great influence on music in Europe and thus also in Austria, we chose for this project, created in collaboration with the Austrian Cultural Forum New York (ACFNY), not simply Austrian positions, but in a sense a kaleidoscope-like mirror-image project: fifteen Austrians each choose a New York musical personality in whose music they discover stimulating and mirror-image things about themselves. And in the process, some quite unusual double portraits have emerged: One learns as much about the portrayed as about the portrayers through listening. These fifteen tributes can be discovered via headphones and while strolling through open terrain on the Höhrenrausch roof in the center of Linz, from station to station at a pace of one's own choosing.
Auf ins Wolkenkuckucksheim!
10. 7.-15.9.2020, 16.00 – 23.00 Uhr, OÖ Kulturquartier in Linz.
A production of Austrian Cultural Forum New York and ORF musikprotokoll. In cooperation with the OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH.
The following 15 Austrian artists were invited:
Hommage à Philip Glass by Patrick Pulsinger
Hommage à Yoko Ono by Andrea Sodomka
Hommage à Morton Feldman by Peter Ablinger
Hommage à Charles Mingus by Peter Herbert
Hommage à Pauline Oliveros by Mia Zabelka
Hommage à John Zorn by Max Nagl
Hommage à Cyndie Lauper by Christian Fennesz
Hommage à Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five by dieb13
Hommage à Maryanne Amacher by Bernd Klug
Hommage à Robert Ashley by Bernhard Lang
Hommage à Patti Smith by Olga Neuwirth
Hommage à David Tudor by Demi Broxa (Agnes Hvizdalek und Jakob Schneidewind)
Hommage à Jeanne Lee by Elisabeth Harnik
Hommage à Laurie Anderson by Mira Lu Kovacs
Hommage à Max Brand by Elisabeth Schimana
Christian Scheib