© Christoph Leeb
Isabella Forciniti

Isabella Forciniti is a Vienna-based sound artist from Italy. She currently explores the musical and social potential of digital networking via mobile devices considering artistic, scientific and technological perspectives as part of a research project lead by Volkmar Klien at the Anton Bruckner Private University Upper Austria. Isabella Forciniti has collaborated with Elliott Sharp, Burkhard Stangl, Christina “Chra” Nemec, Patrick Pulsinger, Antye Greie-Ripatti, Billy Roisz as well as other artists. Forciniti has performed at numerous festivals such as Wien Modern (AT), Simultan Festival (RO), Festival Visiones Sonoras (MX), Unsound Festival (PL), Elevate Festival (AT). Currently she studies computer music and composition at the Anton Bruckner Private University and postdigital lutherie at the University of Art and Design Linz (AT) focusing on digital music performance, improvised music and tangible interaction design.

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2022 | Abluzione