a light stung the darkness I

5.10.2024 - 19:00
Helmut List Halle – Foyer
Engin Dağlık, Carolina Santiago Martinez

Inspired by Aloysius Bertrand’s “Gaspard de la nuit,” Engin Dağlık's "a light stung the darkness I" captures the ephemeral moment when an idea penetrates the void, casting it in sudden brilliance. This piece invites listeners into an intricately woven auditory and visual landscape where sound, light and space converge to create an immersive experience. The composition centers around an upright piano, a thunder sheet, and six fishing lines that connect the piano strings to the thunder sheet. This unconventional arrangement not only shapes the auditory landscape but also dictates the performer's interaction, resulting in a dynamic interplay of movement and music.

Listeners are immersed in a meticulously crafted sonic tapestry, where each note and ambient sound is deliberately positioned to explore the profound relationship between spatiality and acoustics. The journey through "a light stung the darkness I" is one not only of sound but of spatial perception, evolving moment by moment. As light pierces the darkness, sound delineates space, underscoring music's capacity to transform, transport, and reveal the hidden dimensions of our imagination.

Engin Dağlık, composition
Carolina Santiago Martinez, piano


Carolina Santiago Martínez is SHAPE+ artist 2024. Sofia Zaiceva is SHAPE+ artist 2024. In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe. Supported by the European Union’s “Creative Europe” Program.