disposable instruments reuse
©Arnold Haberl
disposable instruments – reuse

So 8.10.2023, 16:30
esc medien kunst labor
noid, Anthea Caddy, Elisabeth Flunger

At the center of the series disposable instruments are objects to which we often have no conscious relationship, although they occupy an important place in our lives. Plastic bags, PET bottles, cellophane films, – just bought, we already throw the so called disposable packaging in the trash. It is not uncommon for them to come back unnoticed, in the form of microplastics via our food chains.

We have invited the musician and sound artist to take up and further develop his series of works disposable instruments as part of a SHAPE+ Artist Recidency. The joint sound investigations with Anthea Caddy and Elisabeth Flunger focused on other materials, such as tin cans, glass containers and cardboard boxes. Visitors can now explore the richness of sound contained in them for themselves in an installation, with noid, Caddy and Flunger providing a series of scores and playing instructions. And they will also play their disposable instruments themselves – on the last day of the ORF musikprotokoll festival at the esc medien kunst labor.


In cooperation with esc merdien kunst labor, ROOM OF FINE ARTS and ORF musikprotokoll. noid, Anthea Caddy and Elisabeth Flunger are artists of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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