Everything Tends Towards Chaos and Order
Alexandra Slyz
Everything Tends Towards Chaos and Order

Chaos is the norm of our Universe. The energy constantly changes its forms. Everything is in a move.

“As one goes forward in time, the degree of disorder of any isolated or closed system will always increase.” Yet, we can observe situations of spontaneous order in the world as well. It’s a countervailing force, the tendency towards instinctive sequences and periodic changes, created through interaction and collective effort. Those tendencies occur at every scale and every possible level of nature. “Everything tends towards chaos and order” is an electroacoustic, multichannel work, in which I explore sound phenomena related to microtonal tuning and periodic resonances, created by specific frequency combinations and slow frequency shifts in time. Intense vibrations, long, heavy glissandos, and moments, when the beating sensation disappears completely. Seemingly chaotic changes, which ultimately strive for a certain resonance and order.

Aleksandra Słyż

Composition, Electronics: Aleksandra Słyż


In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe. Supported by the EU’s Creative Europe program.

Dom im Berg
World Premiere
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