Av3ry by Alexander Schubert
© CG Imagery by Pedro González Fernández© CG Imagery by Pedro González Fernández© CG Imagery by Pedro González Fernández© CG Imagery by Pedro González Fernández© CG Imagery by Pedro González Fernández© CG Imagery by Pedro González Fernández© CG Imagery by

ab 01.09.2022
Alexander Schubert

Treat yourself to a custom-made composition—one of a kind and generated from your input. Av3ry is ready. Alexander Schubert’s program is based on artificial intelligence: it is a virtual, non-binary person that can chat with you, compose music, create images, write poems, and learns from your interactions in the process. Av3ry combines natural-language processing, algorithmic composition, data crawling, and machine learning. The program produces new results every time, based on communication with the respective users; musical compositions are generated through the criteria they set. Av3ry is also able to improve its results continuously: as listeners provide feedback, the algorithm fine-tunes its parameters. The computer-generated images and video animations by Pedro González Fernández form the basis for the visual identity of the musikprotokoll 2022. 

Online: http://av3ry.net/

Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG0MsX6-48o...
Telegram chat: https://telegram.me/Av3ry_Bot
Datenbank mit aktuell 10.000 tracks: http://av3ry.net/tracks.php


Concept, music, programming: Alexander Schubert
CG images and animation: Pedro González Fernández
Assistance: Luca Sutto



Thu 1.09.2022 - Sun 1.01.2023, All day
Alexander Schubert
Free entrance