Homage à Patti Smith by Olga Neuwirth
Homages – Graz
Homage à Patti Smith by Olga Neuwirth

“My fascination for Patti Smith cannot be summed up in a little homage. It would be presumptuous. My homage is a wall of sound, which is also a wall of words and screams made up of a loose succession of fragments by Patti Smith and myself. Patti Smith was for me – a punk in the Austrian countryside – and still is to me a great inspiration to go my own, non-conformist way. For me, as for many people, she is a role model of female self-empowerment. I admire her freedom and ease in confronting the legacy of rock’n’roll and her use of poetry (interpreting the words from various perspectives and taking on all imaginable roles in her performances) as well as her readiness to always publicly speak out against injustice.”

Olga Neuwirth

Eine Koproduktion mit dem Austrian Cultural Forum New York. In Kooperation mit der Holding Graz, der Akademie Graz und dem designforum Steiermark.

Stadtwerke-Haus (Holding Graz)
Akademie Graz
designforum Steiermark
Austrian Premiere
Dieses Werk gehört zu dem Projekt:
musikprotokoll 2017 | Homages