Christian Scheib and Susanna Niedermayr. A co-production of line_in:line_out and musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst. Translation: Friederike Kulcsar, John Wójtowicz, Kimi Lum. PFAU Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2002. Box set containing two bilingual books (German/English).
While politicians were struggling to reach an agreement on how and when a particular country of the former East Bloc could become part of the European Union, the radio journalists Susanna Niedermayr and Christian Scheib were exploring the rich and varied music communities in several of these countries. In Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro, Estonia, Latvia, and the Czech Republic, Susanna Niedermayr und Christian Scheib visited and interviewed musicians and composers – most of them artists completely unknown in the West at that time. The extensive reports examine characteristics and shifts in musical and aesthetic production, portraying organisational power centres of the new grassroots movements that sprouted up, from Internet platforms to composers’ associations, and telling stories of cases where art and politics collide.
1 Belgradeyard Sound System Brush it ………
2 Marko Ivanović Des Wahnsinnigen Morgensuite (world premiere) ....... 9’51’’
3 Error Error is sad …………. 6’36’’
4 Irinel Anghel Frontiers (world premiere) ………… 17’05’’
5 - 9 mik.musik.!. labelnight at Porgy & Bess at Wien Modern 2003
5 *Retro*Sex*Galaxy* roster includes such bands and artists …………… 4’34’’
6 8 Rolek untitled live cut …………….. 8’23’’
7 Deuce what i hate most is hiphop ………. 6’50’’
8 Mołr Drammaz the knight after …………… 4’51’’
9 Mik.Musik.Orgextra.!. enjoy.all.intros.!. ………….. 2’46’’
5 - 9 mik.musik.!. labelnight at Porgy & Bess at Wien Modern 2003