Together with the self-taught engineer Mathias Lenz and the video artist and electronic musician Patrik Lechner, Peter Kutin founded the collective NO1 in 2020. NO1 sees itself as a container (as a collaborative bracket) for the realization of project-related works, in whose performance the artists' physical presence does not affect the visitors, but the work itself takes over the performative part. The result is a direct dialogue between the recipient and the artwork. The work ROTOЯ, a rotating kinetic sound-sculpture, is a further development of the installation TORSO by Peter Kutin. ROTOЯ combines three media ‒ sound, sculpture and video/light ‒ which are modulated by varying the speed of circulation. In Foucault's sense, heterochronous sound-image-spaces are created, or as Elisabeth Lenk described it: “...then the walls of time are very close.”