© Jorge Sanchez-Chiong
Jorge Sánchez-Chiong II
08/10/2006 - 21:00
Helmut List Halle – Foyer
Jorge Sanchez-Chiong, Michaela Grill, NewTonEnsemble Wien
"When you spoke, I heard you in stereo" - not Hölderlin, but post-punk. Cult band "Sentimiento Muerto" bellowed it out in the 80s in Caracas, an oil-rich city of millions and boundless corruption. Michaela Grill and Jorge Sánchez-Chiong join the NewTonEnsemble to dive into the chaos of memory images from a schizophrenically cheerful city of fast-paced life and death, with brutal and poetic pictures of Noise, Metal, Free Jazz and analogue improvisation electronics.
Jorge Sanchez-Chiong caracas_trilogie_1.5: when you spoke, I heard you in stereo
Michaela Grill, NewTonEnsemble Wien]