Marino Formenti
© ORF musikprotokoll

25/09 - 02/10/2010 täglich zugänglich 10.00-22.00 Uhr und live im WWW
Graz Museum
Marino Formenti / Klaus Lang / Morton Feldman / Erik Satie

”Nowhere” is a non-place in the middle of the city: for eight days, the piano virtuoso Marino Formenti sits at the piano, playing, living, breathing, eating, sleeping at times in a relentlessly public and yet private space. By playing, he transgresses the dividing line between stage and life, day and night, leaving behind the usual concert conventions of time, programme, venue and testing his own limits: eight days full of music that also deliberately refuses to engage in a conventional dramaturgy of virtuosity. The audience is invited to stay for a few hours, to come and go, to come back, listen in again, and thus perceive music in new ways.

Marino Formenti (I) plays music from Erik Satie (F), Klaus Lang (A) and Morton Feldman (USA)