Robert Lepenik
Robert Lepenik

Robert Lepenik studied classical guitar at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. In his artistic work he focuses on improvisation and electronic music. Lepenik is a member of the artist collectives TONTO, crew8020_music and V:NM and has released 10 albums of his own work so far, for instance mögliche unausweichlichkeiten (2012) and PoSTepeno (2012). As a musician he has played with The Striggles, Picknick mit Weismann, Singing Adorno (together with Seppo Gründler), The Gitarren der Liebe, Fetish 69, Melville, Laleloo, Das Fotogene Gedächtnis, Fran Sancisco, Kap/Lep, and Vienna Loop Orchestra, among others. He works as a curator of various film series, writes music for theatre and film and was awarded the STELLA theatre prize in the outstanding music category.

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