Ludwig Salvator erforschte Sitten, Gebräuche und Lebensumstände der bis dato unbekannten Mittelmeerinseln – also ihre Kultur.
Christine Schörkhuber sprach auf zahlreichen Reisen mit Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Kontexten über das Wesen der Kultur, über ihr Schaffen und ihre Visionen.
Aus ca. 50 Interviews aus über 20 Ländern wurde ein Chorstück wiederkehrender Artikulationen und Fragestellungen entwickelt.
Grundsätzliches und Feinstoffliches, Hybriditäten und Hegemonien, Identitäten und Integritäten, Privilegien und Peripherien.
Christine Schörkhuber

Christine Schörkhuber studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and works as a media and sound artist. She works primarily with electronics and spatial installation, object and composition and is also concerned with the dynamics of relationships and systems of order on a social, physical as well as technological level. She has participated in numerous exhibitions both in a national and international context. In 2014 she received the New Austrian Sound of Music Scholarship of the BMEIA, in 2019 the Media Art Award of the Province of Lower Austria and in 2021 the SKE Publicity Award. She is also co-founder and curator of the sound art festival Klangmanifeste and the non-proprietary streaming platform echoraeume as well as board member of the association Symposion Lindabrunn.