SHAPE+ Residency 2022/23: SELTSAMEN
2.6.2023, 17:00-22:00 | LIVE: Storytelling Lounge
3.–11.6.2023, 10:00-22:00 | Installation
Ort: Othmargasse 34, 1200 Wien
During: Independent Space Index Festival
25.6.2023, 22:05 | Ö1 Kunstradio
Thea Soti, Christine Schörkhuber and Verena Dürr are immersed in a joint research on how stories influence our perception of nature and with which narratives we confront the climatic changes on the planet, which we as humans significantly cause. The literary current of the NewWeird strives for a perspective that also includes the vague, the fluid. What expression can we give to the incomprehensible, the uncanny, the strange that we are confronted with in a globalised world? What can we learn from the strange and the weird in order to confront the ecological transformation processes that we are facing or are already in the midst of? Not only us humans, but all of us! How do we abolish ourselves as the centre of the world in order to see ourselves as part of the world, in order to feel responsible for the world again? It is about a practice of becoming permeable, of penetrating, of letting oneself be penetrated, of caring. It is about communicating with plants. About cooperating with the "inhuman". Even if and precisely because it is weird.
SHAPE+, the platform for exciting new projects from the field of music and audiovisual arts of the festival network ICAS, was co-founded in 2014 by ORF musikprotokoll at steirischer herbst. It is funded by the European Union's Creative Europe programme. "SELTSAMEN" were initiated by ORF musikprotokoll and are a cooperation with Ö1 Zeit-Ton, Ö1 Kunstradio, XX Y X and Kluckyland.