musikprotokoll 2023: interconnected | interdependent
"There's no such thing as society" is a famous quote from former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, an advocate of neoliberalism. The recent accumulation of crises - the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine, climate change, the massive extinction of species - calls into question our individualism, which has been taken to extremes by neoliberalism. With our 2023 festival edition, we would like to invite you to understand the environment around us as a dynamic network of relationships, which today perhaps more than ever needs to be consciously shaped, not least with a view to the future effects of human action. After all, it is not just about consciously shaping relationships with our fellow human beings, but also with all living beings and natural resources. Commitment, courage, a certain optimism of purpose and creativity are required here, and artists can be important sources of inspiration and impetus.
16.11.2023 | 17:00 - 20:00
Das musikprotokoll 2023: interconnected | interdependent
Institute for Art and Musicology
RESOWI SR 15.34, Universitätsstraße 15 Bauteil D 3.OG
With Rainer Elstner and Fränk Zimmer