mp1968/2017: Diebesgut & Fundstücke

Austria's festival for contemporary and experimental music.

Since 1968, ORF musikprotokoll in steirischer herbst has been committed to contemporary music in many forms. Over 2,000 performances in 50 festival editions - behind them are stories, experiments, successes and personalities. Correspondingly polyphonic echoes from five decades can be experienced in musikprotokoll /MUSEUM: Acoustic reflections from 50 festival editions and 50 years of radio, objets trouvés to hear, see and read.

There is a nice expression: "Daham shopping". So you go to your old closet and pick out something you haven't had your hands on in years or decades. And then you're asked where you bought it now. Exactly, shopping at home. Analogously, on the occasion of the fiftieth musikprotokoll, we went to the cellar. That is, to the basement of the ORF Styrian regional studio, where the musikprotokoll archive is located. Then we picked out things that no one had seen for years or decades. And sometimes you feel like an indiscreet thief rummaging through other people's clothes boxes and letter collections. Shopping at home is not always unproblematic. You can also discover things that you didn't necessarily want to have discovered. Mostly and almost always, however, there is joy over unexpected finds and treasures. Now we show a small selection from it here.