Schwindel – Trugbild – Phantasie
When I was a child, I always enjoyed exploring all kinds of apparatuses or activities that challenged my sense of balance. Today I even get sick to my stomach listening to electro-acoustic compositions where sounds move around me. Too old? Too late? I’m glad that with this carousel at least the speakers stand still, providing something steady to hold onto – acoustic handles, so to speak.

noid (aka Arnold Haberl), born 1970, studied cello and mathematics in Vienna, and teaches MultiMediaArt at the University for Applied Science in Salzburg. He lives in Vienna. The composer, sound artist, improviser, cellist, electronic musician sees his work as basic research leading to a wide range of contradictory results: From cello solos and tape pieces to ensemble compositions and improvisational scores, performances with electronic and hybrid instruments, sound installations, videos and imaginary music. His contribution as a programmer to the music freeware "ppooll" ( can be seen in this context as well.