Nina Šenk
© Astrid Ackermann
Nina Šenk

Nina Šenk (*1982) studied composition at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana with Pavel Mihelčič. She continued her studies in Dresden with Lothar Voigtländer and at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich with Matthias Pintscher, from which she graduated with a Master of Arts degree in 2008. Her numerous awards include the European Prize for the best composition of the Young Euro Classic Festival (Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, 2004) and the Prešeren Promotion Prize, the highest national award for culture of the Slovenian state. Her works and compositions have been performed by many orchestras and ensembles and at many important festivals. Since June 2019, Nina Šenk is a member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

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2023 | canvas