Born in Germany in 1972, Florian Geßler has written compositions and jazz arrangements for various formations since 1986. He studied composition and music theory at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, where he currently teaches improvisation and music theory. He is the artistic director of the contemporary music programme at Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz. He was the chairman of the composers’ group “die andere saite”, founding member of “indexicals – Centre of disciplinary cognitive and state-system sciences”, and artistic director of the composers’ workshop at the youth music festival Deutschlandsberg (steirischer herbst). In addition to appearing as a saxophonist, he has been commissioned by IGNM, Wagner-Forum Graz, next – Verein für Bildende Kunst, and the styriarte and Hörgänge festivals, among others. His compositions are performed in Austria as well as abroad.