Daniel Szwed
Daniel Szwed

Daniel Szwed, Co-founder of the BNNT collective is debuting with a solo material. In his explorations, he focuses on a minimalist set, seeking new textures and sound colors. He electrifies drums, venturing into technoidal forms and metallic afterimages based on rhythm. Sometimes he wraps aggressive play in grainy, drone-like layers, while at other times he touches on quasi-metal forms. He unconventionally uses percussion, builds reverb, and delves into the realms of raw techno and rough noise music. Szwed balances on the edge of electroacoustics, metal, and industrial, setting his direction with steady sound and ritual form. Together with Patryk Daszkiewicz, Mateusz Rosiński, and Krystian Piotr, he co-created the collective-label HISS.
