Andrey Kiritchenko is a person known among experimental music fans as author and contributor of various critically acclaimed projects, founder of Nexsound records, producer who has contributed his significant share to the development of the electronic music scene in Ukraine. Born in 1976 in Kharkiv, Ukraine, he started his musical career in 1995 as a singer-songwriter in a local rock band. Focussing on experimental electronic and electroacoustic music for the last 15 years, Andrey has gained recognition among the musicians and followers of this style all over the world. His recent activities range from indie pop to free improvisation, from melodic electroacoustic music to experimental techno. So far he has collaborated with Francisco López, Kim Cascone, Martin Brandlmayr (Radian, Trapist), Anla Courtis, Jason Kahn, Jeff Surak, Saralunden, Moglass and others. In 2008–2009 he edited the Ukrainian magazine for contemporary music, Gurkit. He is the director of NextSound, an international festival for advanced music and digital arts.