Byond My Skin
© Flavia Mazzanti
Beyond My Skin

Thu 5.10.2023, 18:00
esc medien kunst labor
Flavia Mazzanti

Beyond My Skin – an interactive installation in the exhibition Desert of Realities / Wüste der Wirklichkeiten – is extended into a live-performance instrument in the context of musikprotokoll. In an exploration of identity and digital integration, the work creates a “phygital” space in which two performers experience new forms of self-perception and representation away from traditional binary representations (avatars).

Movements translated into the digital create hybrid bodies through interactions, conveying an idea of new conditions for where our bodies begin and end. The performers explore the relationship between bodies and their digital representation in real time, investigating something as physical as the feeling of touch and its meaning in the digital realm. Is it possible to be physically separated from each other and still touch each other digitally? And how would this affect our physical bodies?

The exhibition Desert of Realities runs from 23.9.-15.10. Tu– Su 2 - 7pm / 17.10. -17.11., Tu– Fr 2 - 7pm and by appointment at esc medien kunst labor.


A production by esc medien kunst labor, in cooperation with ORF musikprotokoll. Supported by City of Vienna—Department for Cultural Affairs and the BMKÖS’s Startstipendium für Medienkunst.
