In the last few years, we have placed a stronger focus on the realistic reproduction of our concert recordings. In 2022, the ORF musikprotokoll once again offers dynamic streaming of its concerts in 3D audio after the festival. We employ a special miking arrangement that allows for highly malleable recording. A video track using multiple cameras enhances the acoustic experience. In order to approach the real, on-site listening experience even more closely, the head movements of the listeners are also tracked in real time during playback, which alters the spatial reproduction of what is heard: the result is an astoundingly realistic listening experience. With the help of a computer, webcam, and headphones, anyone can test this new way of listening at home for one month. Of course, you can also still explore the entire concert program without a webcam via conventional streaming.
musikprotokoll dynamic streaming 2022
Audio and video recordings: ORF. Web design / coordination, ORF: Fränk Zimmer. Audio player: Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM). Coordination, IEM: Robert Höldrich. Technical development, IEM: Lukas Gölles, Thomas Deppisch, Matthias Frank, and Franz Zotter. musikprotokoll dynamic streaming is produced by the ORF musikprotokoll in cooperation with the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG).