20.03.2022 - 22:05
In "Zeit-Ton extended" on 20 March 2022, 10:05 pm, we dive into a borderland together with Félix Blume. With his multifaceted pieces and installations, Blume invites us to listen attentively, because only those who are consciously heard are listened to.
For this programme, the artist has created a new version of his piece "A La Orilla (On the edge)", which was originally created for TouchRadio. "On the edge of the jungle, there in southern Venezuela, where the Amazon rainforest begins and the Gran Sabana ends, people are still trying to penetrate a world dominated by nature. Here, to the end of the horizon, you see trees, rivers, animals and insects - and their sound reaches our ears to remind us of their realm."
Félix Blume is Shape Artist 2021. Shape is the platform for exciting new projects from the field of music and audiovisual arts of the International Cities of Advanced Sound festival network ICAS, which was founded at the end of 2014 by 16 of the European ICAS festivals; ORF musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst is one of them. It is funded by the European Union's Creative Europe programme. Last Thursday you heard a portrait of the multi-faceted work of this wanderer between worlds in "Zeit-Ton".
In cooperation with SHAPE – Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe. Supported by the Creative Europe program of the European Union. Felix Blume is SHAPE Artist 2021.