Homage à Robert Ashley by Bernhard Lang
Homages – Graz
Homage à Robert Ashley by Bernhard Lang

“I saw Robert Ashley for the first time at the Annenhof cinema in Graz with ‘Perfect Lives’ in the 80s: nowadays, I consider his works to be perhaps the most influential work of new music theater in the 21st century. This little homage is based on a loop, the enigmatic voice of one of Ashely’s artistic relatives and the crazy piano transcription of the selfsame, somehow quoting Blue Gene Tyranny’s playing.”

Bernhard Lang

Eine Koproduktion mit dem Austrian Cultural Forum New York. In Kooperation mit der Holding Graz, der Akademie Graz und dem designforum Steiermark.

Stadtwerke-Haus (Holding Graz)
Akademie Graz
designforum Steiermark
Austrian Premiere
Dieses Werk gehört zu dem Projekt:
musikprotokoll 2017 | Homages