Homage à Laurie Anderson by Mira Lu Kovacs
Homages – Graz
Homage à Laurie Anderson by Mira Lu Kovacs

“From the beginning I’ve felt attracted by the way Laurie Anderson takes her androgyny for granted and the sober, natural way she embraces it, on and off the stage. In my search for things we share or perhaps things that set us apart, what became apparent was our love of reduction, of a certain simplicity. Apart,from that I realized that Anderson’s music is unrelentingly hypnotizing and comforting at the same time, like someone explaining that life doesn’t last forever, and that that’s a good thing.”

Mira Lu Kovacs

Eine Koproduktion mit dem Austrian Cultural Forum New York. In Kooperation mit der Holding Graz, der Akademie Graz und dem designforum Steiermark.

Stadtwerke-Haus (Holding Graz)
Akademie Graz
designforum Steiermark
Austrian Premiere
Dieses Werk gehört zu dem Projekt:
musikprotokoll 2017 | Homages