Homage à John Zorn by Max Nagl
Homages – Graz
Homage à John Zorn by Max Nagl

„I met John Zorn for the first time in the late eighties in Vienna, as one of the musicians performing in his game pieces, with John as the prompter. Since then and even earlier, I have admired the music of this extraordinary musician. Since it is impossible to cover the extent of John Zorn’s musical output in a three-minute piece, I decided to honour him with a tune from his Masada books, ‘Sariel’.“

Max Nagl

Eine Koproduktion mit dem Austrian Cultural Forum New York. In Kooperation mit der Holding Graz, der Akademie Graz und dem designforum Steiermark.

Stadtwerke-Haus (Holding Graz)
Akademie Graz
designforum Steiermark
Austrian Premiere
Dieses Werk gehört zu dem Projekt:
musikprotokoll 2017 | Homages